The reasons I decided to start the company were simple.
Back then, there were no products available that satisfied young mothers and fathers who wanted to purchase stylish children's clothing.
I wanted to create something functional, but still fashionable.
Our first son had just been born.
It proved to be not too difficult to create children's clothing with quality and style. The hard part was overcoming the preconception that clothing designed to be worn for such a short time didn't need to be made well.
For 39 years, the voices of our satisfied customers have been our strongest asset.
For example,
"MIKI HOUSE taught me and my whole family about the importance of quality."
"Whenever I recall scenes of my child growing up, MIKI HOUSE is always there."
"When I became a mother myself, I finally understood why my own mother always picked MIKI HOUSE clothes for me."
MIKI HOUSE may have started life as a company selling its products, but as we grew, we came to understand the importance of "invisible values" that can't be seen or easily quantified:.